Malastrana | La Corta Notte delle Bambole di Vetro

Aldo Lados Regiedebüt ist einer der unkonventionellsten Genre-Beiträge im Giallo und führt in das düster und okkult portraitierte Prag der 1970er Jahre. Nichts scheint real oder konventionell greifbar: Wo bin ich? Wie komme ich hier her? Diese existenziellen Fragen muss sich Journalist Gregory Moore während seines Aufenthalts in der „goldenen Stadt“ stellen. Des Rätsels Lösung birgt eine grausame Entdeckung …

The lifeless body of journalist Gregory Moore is found in a park in Prague and transported to the morgue for examination. What no one suspects, however, is that the young man is alive! Unable to move or communicate, Moore must learn how he is being prepared as a living corpse for his own autopsy. The only possibility of salvation lies in the blurred memory of the last hours and events before his lethal condition. How did he get into this position? The answer has something to do with a mysterious series of kidnappings that has the city on edge …

Aldo Lado

Born in what is now Croatia, Italian Aldo Lado is a director, screenwriter and producer. With his thrillers, Aldo Lado set new standards. Especially his carefully designed decorations and the above-average production standard of his works impressed the film world. His new and intense approach to depicting violence in his films remains in the memory of film lovers to this day.

Italy/Germany/Yugoslavia 1971 – Director & Screenplay: Aldo Lado – Cinematography: Giuseppe Ruzzolini – Music: Ennio Morricone – Starring Jean Sorel, Ingrid Thulin, Barbara Bach, Mario Adorf. – 96 mins – Original with English subtitles