Total Thrash – The Teutonic Story shows the development of the musical and culturally extremely influential genre “Thrash Metal” in Germany. The focus of the film takes place in the nucleus of the genre – the Ruhr area. Here, in the early 80s, many young people wanted to break out of the prevailing social structures and find their own way in life. The world at that time was often dreary and marked by many social problems. The escape of the young people ended in music. This should always be harder and more extreme. They wanted to stand out and be heard. The first attempts at walking were rather difficult without money and musical ability – the cohesion and the associated creativity of the scene were unique. A versatile subculture with the center Ruhrpott emerged, clubs and concert halls were filled and soon “Thrash Metal” was on everyone’s lips. Bands like Kreator, Sodom and Destruction have achieved international renown today.
Under the banner The Big Teutonic 4 – Stories about Sodom, Kreator, Tankard and Destruction, the additional material gives further insights into the band’s origins, the first steps on rocky paths and unreleased material from the early days.
A somewhat different time travel through the history of four bands that have shaped an entire scene to this day.
Daniel Hofmann
Daniel Hofmann is a cinematographer and screenwriter. Before producing his debut, Daniel lived out his metal fandom as an organizer and founder of a metal club. Later he created the Germany-wide known metal magazine “Metal Striker”. During this time he got in contact with bands, promoters and fans, which made the production of his first documentary possible.
With film crew and other guests from the film.
Germany 2023 – Director & Screenplay: Daniel Hofmann – Cinematography: Daniel Hofmann, Simon Büchting – Editor: Nicole Schmeier – With Jürgen „Ventor“ Reil (Kreator), Thomas „Onkel Tom“ Such (Sodom), Andreas „Gerre“ Geremia (Tankard), Schmier (Destruction), Pelle Below & Thomas Ex (Metalclub Velbert), Andreas „Stoney“ Stein (Manager). – 142 mins