Tag: European First Feature Film Competition

ES BRENNT von Erol Afsin

Es brennt

Based on a true case, this surprising feature film debut by young director Erol Afşin becomes an indictment of everyday racism in Germany that is as powerful as it is poetic.
Followed by Q&A with actor Nicolas Garin.

Banel & Adama (c) Best Friend Forever

Banel & Adama

An intense and magnificently photographed drama about love, self-assertion and social constraints, this was the only debut in the running for the Palme d’Or at Cannes this year. (Original with English subtitles)

LEERE NETZE von Behrooz Karamizade (c) Port au Prince

Empty Nets

With his visually impressive debut film, director Behrooz Karamizade unfolds a poetic love story and at the same time paints a haunting portrait of the young generation in Iran: he tells of their hope for a freer future and sheds light on the life-threatening flight movements in contemporary Iran.
(Original with German subtitles)